Book Recommendations

waking up book

Waking Up

by Sam Harris

power of now book

Power of Now

by Eckhard Tolle

spiritual enlightenment the damnedest thing book

Spiritual Enlightenment

by Jed Mc Kenna

Meditation Apps

waking up meditation app

Waking Up

headspace meditation app


calm meditation app


Meditation Retreats

Wherever your location, there is probably a meditation retreat nearby. has locations in most countries where you can go on a 10 day retreat or silence. In these retreats you go through various sitting, standing and walking meditations and spend your 10 days in complete silence. These retreats can enhance your spiritual work tenfold and serious self-knowledge can be achieved

group meditation

Maps of Enlightenment

Here are some maps to enlightenment followed by an explanation of those maps. These can be useful to view but remember the map is not the territory so don’t get stuck on them.

arising and passing away map
nanas and jhanas map